Crispy Dumpling Skirt - CJ Eats Recipes (2024)

Home All Recipes Dumplings

By Chris Joe

5 from 11 votes

Jun 12, 2022, Updated Nov 20, 2023

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If you’ve ever been to a Chinese restaurant that serves pan-fried dumplings, you’ve probably seen the Crispy Dumpling Skirts that look web-like, also known as “wings” surrounding the dumplings. They’re crispy and add an amazing contrasting texture with the soft, steamed dumpling.

This recipe for Crispy Dumpling Skirts will be sure to impress your friends and family – they’re easy to achieve at home with a little technique and perfect with a homemade dumpling dipping sauce!

Note: this method was using freshly wrapped dumplings. If you are using frozen dumplings, you can still achieve the crispy skirt! Please read the recipe notes for adjustments.

Watch the Crispy Dumpling Skirt Recipe Video Below!

Crispy Dumpling Skirt - CJ Eats Recipes (2)

Ingredients for Crispy Dumpling Skirt

The ingredient list is extremely short to make an authentic crispy dumpling skirt at home! Here is what you’ll need:

  • Neutral oil (I prefer Avocado oil)
  • All-Purpose Flour
  • Corn starch
  • Kosher Salt
  • Water
Crispy Dumpling Skirt - CJ Eats Recipes (3)

My Top Ingredient Tips for Making Crispy Dumpling Skirts


If you don’t have corn starch readily available, I would recommend using potato starch rice flour.

My favorite neutral oil is avocado oil, but you can also use canola or vegetable oil! Avoid using olive oil due to the stronger flavor profile.

Combine the Dumpling Skirt Mixture

To make your dumpling skirt mixture, get a medium sized measuring cup and add 3/4 cup of filtered water. Next, combine the flour, corn starch, neutral oil, and salt and mix well until combined.

This solution will be what is used to steam and pan-fry the dumplings! The oil will crisp up the dumpling skirt and small web-like lattice will form that becomes extremely crisp! Once you get it down, you’ll never want to make dumplings another way again!

Crispy Dumpling Skirt - CJ Eats Recipes (4)
Crispy Dumpling Skirt - CJ Eats Recipes (5)

Cooking the Dumplings

To cook the dumplings, start by adding 1 tbsp of neutral oil to an appropriately sized pan based on how many dumplings you are making. You don’t want a pan too large or else it will require too much of the mixture to steam. Heat the oil over medium high heat and lay your dumplings in a circular pattern in the pan.

Brown the bottom for 2-3 minutes to give the dumplings some color. Give the dumpling skirt mixture a quick mix prior to pouring in the pan (the starch will sink to the bottom), then pour enough of the mixture to about 1/4 of the way up the dumplings. If you’re cooking frozen dumplings, add a little extra mixture (about 1/3 of the way up the dumplings) to account for the slightly longer cooking time. Watch the video recipe for more in depth instructions!

Crispy Dumpling Skirt - CJ Eats Recipes (6)

My Top Recipe Tips for Crispy Dumpling Skirts


You can freeze them! I always make extra to freeze for the future. I like to lay them flat without touching each other on a baking sheet and freeze for 30 min – 1 hour before moving them to a freezer friendly Ziploc bag. When cooking, I would add an extra 1-2 minutes if they are frozen.

A non-stick pan is best for this recipe over medium to medium high heat. You want the oil to eventually crisp up the bottom of your dumplings, and a medium high heat should achieve this. Don’t put the heat too high, otherwise you’ll burn the bottoms of your dumplings.

If you want to practice making these crispy dumpling skirts, try them with some of my most popular dumpling recipes!

  • Pork Dumplings
  • Vegetable Dumplings
  • Pork and Shrimp Wontons

5 from 11 votes

Crispy Dumpling Skirt

By: Chris Joe

Servings: 4

Prep: 5 minutes mins

Cook: 5 minutes mins


Crispy Dumpling Skirt - CJ Eats Recipes (7)

This crispy dumpling skirt recipe will give your dumplings the impressive crispy lattice skirt that is famous in so many restaurants!


US CustomaryMetric


  • In a bowl, mix together neutral oil, water, flour, corn starch, and salt.

  • Pan fry your dumplings as you normally would in 1 tbsp of oil for 2-3 minutes over medium high heat (check out my dumpling recipe here). Once they are golden brown, add about 1 cup of the mixture (enough to come up to 1/4 way up the dumpling) to the pan and cover. If cooking frozen dumplings, add more of the mixture to come up to 1/3 of the dumpling.

  • Steam for 5-6 minutes or until the water has evaporated and the residual oil is left and remove the lid. The skirt will form and become golden brown. Watch this carefully to ensure it does not burn and remove!

  • Serve your dumplings with your favorite dumpling sauce and enjoy!

Additional Info

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: Chinese

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Crispy Dumpling Skirt - CJ Eats Recipes (8)

About CJ

I’m a third generation Chinese-American home cook who has always loved cooking & eating! Welcome to my food blog, where you can find trusted, tested, easy & approachable recipes for the everyday home cook that taste delicious! I am so glad you're here!

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Crispy Dumpling Skirt - CJ Eats Recipes (2024)


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To a frying pan over medium-high heat, add a generous splash of oil (I used 3 tablespoons to 1/4 cup). Once the oil is hot, add the frozen dumplings. Cook on one side until beautifully golden and then flip over so the other side can crisp up, about 2-3 minutes each side.

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Quick tip, prevent burning or sticking, make sure to add the oil first, cook the potstickers with water first, and then add on the corn starch mixture for the crispy skin. Don't have the heat up too high, and let it “steam” first before crisping it up at the bottom later.

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For Crispy Dumplings Use the Classic Steam-Fry

Essentially, you fry the frozen dumplings, then add water to the pan and cover them to steam through, then fry them again once the water evaporates. This double-frying creates an extra-crisp bottom crust.

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This is a very common problem when pan frying dumplings, and most likely it is because your pan isn't hot enough. The easiest trick would be to buy a nonstick pan, but for those who don't want to spend the money, try out this test. To make sure your pan is at the correct temperature, try the water droplet test.

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Don't Overwork the Dumpling Dough

First, mix the dumpling ingredients just until the dough comes together. You'll whisk together the dry ingredients, then add melted butter and heavy cream. Stir everything together until the wet and dry ingredients are combined and you don't see any more dry flour.

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How to pan-fry frozen dumplings. In a nonstick pan over medium-high heat, add ½ cup of water and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Place the frozen potstickers flat side-down and cover the pan with a lid for 8 to 12 minutes, until all the water has evaporated and the flat side of each potsticker is golden.

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If you're using frozen dumplings, let them defrost completely before you start pan-frying, and if you made your own dumplings with storebought wrappers, make sure they're sealed tight—the intense heat from the pan has a way of rupturing sealed edges, Helen warns.

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Potstickers are a type of dumpling that is pan-fried on one side, giving it a crispy texture. They are typically filled with meat and vegetables and served with a dipping sauce. Dumplings, on the other hand, can be boiled, steamed, or pan-fried and are usually filled with meat or vegetables.

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  • Most Popular. Bibigo Mandu Pork & Vegetable Dumplings. ...
  • Best Value. Trader Joe's Pork Gyoza Potstickers. ...
  • Rustic Combo. Pagoda Pork Potstickers. ...
  • A Hearty Choice. InnovAsian Pork Potstickers. ...
  • Gluten-Free Go-To. Feel Good Foods Pork Potstickers. ...
  • A Bit Mushy. Dumpling Daughter Pork & Chive Dumplings. ...
  • Waste of Calories.
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No matter where you stand in terms of culinary abilities, here are some ways to upgrade frozen dumplings into a restaurant-quality meal.
  1. Make a homemade sauce. ...
  2. Put them in soup. ...
  3. DIY dim sum. ...
  4. Give them a crispy dumpling skirt. ...
  5. Add them to a stir-fry. ...
  6. Serve them on a salad. ...
  7. Air fry to crispy perfection and smother them in sauce.
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What is the difference between potstickers and gyoza? ›

Gyoza is the Japanese variation on the traditional Chinese recipe of potstickers. They are usually made with thinner, more delicate wrappers, and the filling is more finely textured. The thinner skins mean that gyoza get crispier than chewy potstickers.

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If you want to get similar results at home, there are only two tricks you really need. First is to add a bit of extra starch to your dumplings. Dust them with cornstarch, shaking off the excess before the initial fry. Second is to use a non-stick skillet, or an extremely well-seasoned cast iron pan.

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A non-stick pan is best for this recipe over medium to medium high heat. You want the oil to eventually crisp up the bottom of your dumplings, and a medium high heat should achieve this. Don't put the heat too high, otherwise you'll burn the bottoms of your dumplings.

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Here's how to do it:
  1. Transfer your desired number of dumplings to a microwave-safe dish or a shallow bowl.
  2. Add 1-2 tablespoons of water to the dish.
  3. Cover the dish with a damp paper towel and microwave for 2 minutes.
  4. Check the temperature and continue microwaving in 30-second intervals if needed.

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