The basics of German: Vehicles & transport vocabulary list | (2024)


  • Post authorBy Matosan314
  • Post dateMarch 27, 2020

– Essential Vocabulary List –

Here’s a complete German vocabulary list about vehicles and means of transport. Increase your German vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!


the hovercraftdas Luftkissenfahrzeug
the ambulanceder Krankenwagen
the balloonder Ballon
the bargeder Kahn
the bicycledas Fahrrad
the bikedas Motorrad
the bikedas Fahrrad
the boatdas Boot
the bulldozerder Bulldozer
the busder Bus
the cable cardie Seilbahn
the camperder Camper
the canoedas Kanu
the canoedas Boot
the cardas Auto
the caravandie Karawane
the carrierder Flugzeugträger
the cartder Wagen
the catamarander Katamaran
the chairliftder Sessellift
the coachder Trainer
the convertibledas Cabriolet
the cruiserder Kreuzer
the delivery truckder Lieferwagen
the delivery vander Lieferwagen
the ferrydie Fähre
the fire truckdas Feuerwehrauto
the fly boatdas bateau-mouche
the flying saucerdie fliegende Untertasse
the forkliftder Gabelstapler
the four-wheel driveder Allradantrieb
the garbage truckder Müllwagen
the gliderdas Segelflugzeug
the golf cartden Golfwagen
the gondoladie Gondel
the heavy vehicledas Schwergewicht
the helicopterder Hubschrauber
the high-speed trainder Hochgeschwindigkeitszug
the jeepder Jeep
the jetskiJetski
the kayakdas kajak
the lifeboatdas Rettungsboot
the linerdie Auskleidung
the metrodie U-Bahn
the mopeddas Moped
the official carder Firmenwagen
the planedas Flugzeug
the propeller planedie Propellerebene
the race cardas Rennauto
the rental carden Mietwagen
the rocketdie Rakete
the rowing boatdas Ruderboot
the sailboatdas Segelboot
the scooterder Roller
the seaplanedas Wasserflugzeug
the semi-trailerder Sattelanhänger
the shipdas Schiff
the shuttledas Shuttle
the skateboarddas Skateboard
the snowmobiledas Schneemobil
the sports carder Sportwagen
the station wagonder Kombi
the submarinedas U-Boot
the (battle) tankdie Panzer
the tankder Tank
the tankerder Öltanker
the tanker truckder Tankwagen
the taxidas Taxi
the tow truckder Abschleppwagen
the tractorder Traktor
the trailerder Anhänger
the trainder Zug
the tramdie Straßenbahn
the truckder Lastwagen
the tugder Schlepper
the vander Lieferwagen
the yachtdie Yacht
the zeppelinder Zeppelin
UFO (unidentified flying object)UFO (unidentifiziertes Flugobjekt)
on boardan Bord
air sicknessLuftkrankheit
at full speedrasant
autopilotder Autopilot
aviation safetydie Flugsicherheit
by car, by plane…im Auto, im Flugzeug…
deep/ shallowtief/nicht tief
first class/ second classerste Klasse / zweite Klasse
flat/flat tireder platte/geplatzte Reifen
high speed flightder Hochgeschwindigkeitsflug
offshoreauf hoher See
on time/ latepünktlich / zu spät
passenger safetydie Sicherheit der Fluggäste
public transportden öffentlichen Verkehr
safetydie Sicherheit
the acceleratordas Gaspedal
the accessder Zugang
the accidentder Unfall
the air disasterdie Flugkatastrophe
the air fleetdie Luftflotte
the airportder Flughafen
the airport taxdie Flughafensteuer
the all-terrain bikedas Mountainbike
the anchorder Anker
the arrivaldie Ankunft
the average speeddie Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit
the baggagedas Gepäck
the bike pathder Fahrradweg
the boarding roomder Speisesaal
the brakedie Bremse
the breathalyzerder Alkoholtester
the bridgedas Tor
the broomstickder Joystick
the bumperdie Stoßstange
the buoydie Boje
the bus stationder Busbahnhof
the business classBusiness-Klasse
the cabindie Kabine
the candledie Kerze
the carder Wagen
the car accidentder Autounfall
the carburetorder Vergaser
the clawdie Klaue
the clutch pedaldas Kupplungspedal
the co*ckpitdas co*ckpit
the command deckdie Kommandobrücke
the commuter trainder Vorortzug
the compassder Kompass
the contact keyder Zündschlüssel
the controllerder Controller
the convertibledas Cabriolet
the correspondencedie Korrespondenz
the coverdie Kapuze
the crewdie Besatzung
the crossingder Übergang
the crossroadsdie Kreuzung
the cruise shipdas Kreuzfahrtschiff
the customsder Zoll
the dashboarddas Armaturenbrett
the dealerder Händler
the deckhandder Matrose
the devicedie Peripherie
the direct trainder Durchgangszug
the distancedie Entfernung
the distress signaldas Notsignal
the domestic flightder Inlandsflug
the door of departureder Startschuss
the driverder Dirigent
the driver’s licenceden Führerschein
the driving schooldie Fahrschule
the emergency exitder Notausgang
the emergency stop tapedas Absperrband für den Notfall
the engineder Motor
the engineerder Ingenieur
the exhibition hallder Ausstellungsraum
the failed engineder versagende Motor
the fast trainder Schnellzug
the ferrydie Fähre
the finedie Geldbuße
the fireplaceder Schornstein
the flashing lightder Indikator
the flight areadas Fluggebiet
the freight trainder Güterzug
the frontder Vorderteil
the fuelder Brennstoff
the gas/gas stationdie Benzin-/Tankstelle
the gear leverder Schalthebel
the gearboxdas Getriebe
the green lightdas grüne Licht
the hand brakedie Handbremse
the handling of the roaddie Fahrweise
the headquartersden Sitz
the helicopterder Hubschrauber
the helmetder Helm
the highwaydie Autobahn
the hijackerder Entführer
the horndas Horn
the hovercraftdas Luftkissenfahrzeug
the jackder Wagenheber
the jet planedas Düsenflugzeug
the keyder Schlüssel
the landingdie Landung
the licence platedas Nummernschild
the life jacketdie Rettungsweste
the lighthouseder Leuchtturm
the linerdie Auskleidung
the living roomdas Wohnzimmer
the long-haul flightder Langstreckenflug
the main deckdie Hauptbrücke
the maintenancedas Gespräch
the manufacturerder Bauherr
the mastder Mast
the mechanicder Garagenbesitzer
the monitorder Monitor
the motoristder Autofahrer
the mufflerdas Auspuffrohr
the Navydie Marine
the oardas Ruder
the odometerder Kilometerzähler
the one-way tripdie einfache Fahrkarte
the paneldas Panel
the passenger trainder Personenzug
the passenger/ the passengerder Passagier
the pilotder Pilot
the pitchdas Stampfen
the platformder Kai
the portder Hafen
the price of the ticketden Preis der Fahrkarte
the propellerder Propeller
the radardas Radar
the railsdie Schienen
the railway trackdie Eisenbahn
the reactorder Reaktor
the reardie Rückseite
the rear-view mirrorder Spiegel
the red lightdas rote Licht
the reefdas Riff
the registrationden Kraftfahrzeugschein
the reserved placeder reservierte Platz
the restaurant carder Speisewagen
the reverse gearrückwärts
the roaddie Straße
the road networkdas Straßennetz
the rolldas Rollen
the rough seadas hektische Meer
the round tripdie Rückfahrkarte
the round trip ticketdie Rückfahrkarte
the roundabout pointdas Karussell
the routedie Reiseroute, die Fahrt
the rudderdas Ruder
the runwaydie Landebahn
the safeder Kofferraum
the saildas Segel
the sailorder Matrose
the scheduledie Zeit
the seat beltder Sicherheitsgurt
the service stationdie Tankstelle
the shipdas Schiff
the shock absorberder Stoßdämpfer
the shock, the bumpder Schock, die Beule
the signaldas Signal
the sleeper carder Schlafwagen
the spare wheeldas Ersatzrad
the speed limitationdie Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung
the station masterder Bahnhofsvorsteher
the steering wheeldas Lenkrad
the stewardder Steward
the stewardess of the airdie Stewardess
the suspensiondie Aussetzung
the tailder Schwanz
the take-offden Start
the tankder Tank
the taxi driverder Taxifahrer
the terminaldas Terminal
the TGVder TGV
the tireder Reifen
the tolldie Maut
the traffic, the trafficden Verkehr
the trajectorydie Flugbahn
the transportdie Beförderung
the tunnelder Tunnel
the turndie Kurve
the upper/lower deckdas Ober-/Unterdeck
the used carder Gebrauchtwagen
the vehicledas Fahrzeug
the vesseldas Schiff
the visibilitydie Sichtbarkeit
the waiting roomdas Wartezimmer
the windowdas Bullauge
the windowder Zähler
the windshielddie Windschutzscheibe
the windshield wiperder Scheibenwischer
the wingder Flügel
the wreckdas Wrack
the yachtdie Yacht
be dockedandocken
be ejected fromausgestoßen werden
be lateim Rückstand sind
break downversagen
catch fireFeuer fangen
change speedschalten
check tire pressureÜberprüfung des Reifendrucks und
cross the Channelden Ärmelkanal überqueren
drop the anchorankern
fly overüberfliegen
get offabsteigen
get outherauskommen
get seasickseekrank
get the car overhauledüberholen
go on a cruiseauf Kreuzfahrt gehen
insure the vehicledas Fahrzeug sichern
lose controldie Kontrolle verlieren
miss/ miss flightFlug verpassen / verpassen
movesich bewegen
pass the first speedden ersten Gang einlegen
pay half pricezum halben Preis bezahlen
raise the anchorankern
reduce the speeddrosseln
run out of gasausgelaufen sein
sinkingschiffbrüchig machen
slow downverlangsamen
strengthen securityErhöhung der Sicherheit
take offabheben
take the bus/ metro/ trainBus / U-Bahn / Zug nehmen
travel by boatmit dem Boot fahren
travel by carautofahren
travel by trainmit dem Zug reisen
up/ downhinauf/absteigen


  • Tagsgerman
The basics of German: Vehicles & transport vocabulary list | (2024)


What is the vocabulary of transport in German? ›

In German, types of public transport are referred to as: "der Zug" for train, "die Straßenbahn" for tram, "der Bus" for bus, "die U-Bahn" for underground or subway, and "die S-Bahn" for urban rapid rail.

What are the German transport terms? ›

The common German words for different modes of transportation include: das Auto (car), der Bus (bus), der Zug (train), das Fahrrad (bicycle), das Flugzeug (airplane), die Straßenbahn (tram), die U-Bahn (underground or subway), and das Schiff (ship).

How much vocabulary is enough for German? ›

In order to feel comfortable speaking German, you really only need to learn about 3,000 words. In contrast, being fluent in German is defined as understanding 10,000+ words. While 3,000 words is obviously much less than 10,000, it is still a big task.

What are the basics of German language? ›

German language basics: Most common German words
  • Ja = Yes.
  • Nein = No.
  • Hallo = Hello (used as a casual greeting)
  • Tschüss = Bye (used as a fairly informal farewell)
  • Auf Wiedersehen = Goodbye (used as a more formal farewell)
  • Danke = Thanks.
  • Entschuldigung = Excuse me.
  • Es tut mir leid = I'm sorry.
Jul 11, 2024

What do they call trucks in Germany? ›

LKW is short for the German expression Lastkraftwagen. Equivalent to HGV standing for heavy goods vehicle or simply lorry in English. This term is used to designate vehicles which are mainly used for transporting goods.

What is some German vocabulary? ›

  • Thank you – Danke (dan-kuh”)
  • You're welcome – Bitteschön (“bit-tuh-shun“)
  • Please, excuse me, or pardon – Bitte (“bit-tuh”)
  • Yes – Ja (“jah”)
  • No – Nein (“nine”)
  • Hello – Hallo (“hallo”)
  • Goodbye – Auf Wiedersehen (“Owf Veeder-sane”)
  • German – Deutsch (“doych”)

What is the German driving rule? ›

- In Germany, you drive on the righthand side of the street.

- Overtake to the left of the other vehicle in moving traffic. - The driver must carry their driver's license, registration certificate and insurance documents in the vehicle. - It is forbidden to sit behind the wheel with headphones.

What does S mean in German transport? ›

The U-Bahn, commonly understood to stand for Untergrundbahn ('underground railway'), are conventional rapid transit systems that run mostly underground, while the S-Bahn or Stadtschnellbahn ('city rapid railway') are commuter rail services, that may run underground in the city center and have metro-like characteristics ...

What are bus stops called in Germany? ›

Bus stops, which usually fall every 300 metres or so, are signified by a green “H” (for “Haltestelle” - stopping point) on a yellow background.

How can I memorize German vocabulary fast? ›

Hey German learner!
  1. Use repetition: reading, writing and speaking words over and over again.
  2. Associate words with drawings, pictures and funny scenes.
  3. Try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life.
  4. Reading as much as possible, especially the newspaper, helps you to remember words.
Apr 28, 2016

How to learn German on your own? ›

5 easy ways to learn German from home
  1. Work your way through a few lessons. When you're first starting to learn German, it's a good idea to have a guide, and there are lots of free options. ...
  2. Listen to German radio and podcasts. ...
  3. Watch German TV shows. ...
  4. Meet German speakers. ...
  5. Plan a virtual trip to Germany.

What is the easy German phrase to say? ›

Useful German phrases for beginners?
Wie geht's?How are you?
Vielen DankThank you very much
Mein Name istMy name is _____
Können Sie das bitte wiederholen?Could you say that again please?
1 more row

What is the first thing to learn in German? ›

Master the alphabet

Begin with analyzing the difference between German and English alphabets. In fact, the similar vowels and consonants sound different in these two languages. Learn the sounds first so that you can learn the words later and pronounce them correctly.

What makes German easy to learn? ›

English speakers are at a great advantage when they learn German, as the languages are both members of the Germanic language family. This means that a lot of basic vocabulary is the same in English and German: for example, the English words 'arm', 'hand' and 'finger' correspond to German Arm,Hand and Finger.

What is the transport in Germany? ›

Buses, underground trains, S-Bahn trains and trams (in some cities they are called "Straßenbahn") are part of "public transport". To use them, you have to buy a ticket. Ticket machines may look different in every city. In many buses, drivers sell tickets directly, but only for cash.

What does transport mean in vocabulary? ›

Transport means to move something, often large quantities of commercial products, over great distances. Container ships transport goods made in China to the U.S., where they will be sold. A pipeline can transport oil. A school bus transports children.

What is the translation of transport? ›

noun. the act of transporting or conveying; conveyance. a means of transporting or conveying, as a truck or bus. a ship or plane employed for transporting soldiers, military stores, etc.

What is the longest German word commonly used? ›

Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften (39) Let's end on a high. Coming in at a cool 39 letters, this word is the longest German word in everyday use, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

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